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4 Steps to Take After Suffering a Work Injury

In 2021, work-related injuries that required medical consultation totaled 4.26 million. In other words, it’s pretty common to get injured at work. The industry and type of work you do make a difference. 

At Orthocenter, our skilled and highly trained providers understand the intricacies of caring for work-related injuries. They are expert orthopedists, which means they can effectively treat musculoskeletal issues. When you come to one of our offices to treat a workplace injury, you can expect top-notch care and all the correct forms to be completed to document your care. 

1.  Report your injury

You need to immediately let a supervisor or manager know that you’ve been hurt. You may need to fill out paperwork immediately unless you need immediate medical attention. Even if you need emergency care, you must fill out an accident report as soon as possible. Use ink to complete all such forms and request copies for yourself. 

You should notify your union representative and supervisor if you have a union. If you don’t need emergency medical care, be sure you complete a report and notify your manager and your union representative before you go home. 

2. Get medical care

Getting care as soon as possible following an injury is important for a few reasons. The most important one is that early care makes you more likely to recover fully and more quickly.

We understand that people injured at work often need same-day appointments, so tell us when you call that you’re dealing with a work-related injury. If you need emergency care first, schedule an appointment with us once that’s taken care of. 

3. Take notes

You should keep a notebook or diary of what happened, when, how it affected you, what doctor you saw, what the doctor instructed you to do, and any other pertinent details you can think of.

The notes will help you later if you need to file a claim for workers’ compensation, and they will help you remember details for yourself. 

4. Follow your doctor’s advice

The most important part of dealing with a work-related injury is getting better. Your best chances of healing come from getting timely care from a skilled professional and following instructions. If you need to rest, go to physical therapy, wear a brace, or do something else to improve the likelihood of healing well, it’s worth the effort. 

Common injuries

Some industries are more dangerous than others, and some jobs within those industries are riskier. Nearly 20% of workplace injuries in 2020 were related to slips, trips, and falls. 

Other types of injuries include: 

According to the National Safety Council, the industry that could be considered “most dangerous” depends on the measures under consideration. In 2021, each of the following industries could have been the most dangerous: 

Regardless of the sector or the type of injury, one thing is certain: you need medical care. Schedule an appointment at any of the convenient locations of Orthocenter and get care from our experts.  


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