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5 Reasons to Consider Hip Replacement

5 Reasons to Consider Hip Replacement

The orthopedic surgeons and providers at Orthocenter understand that you may not be ready to have surgery. We also know that sometimes patients live with pain and discomfort for longer than they have to because they don’t want to undergo hip replacement surgery. In this blog, we look at five reasons you may want to consider the procedure now instead of waiting indefinitely. 

1. The pain is constant

If you have hip pain all the time, even when sitting or lying down, it may be time to think about hip replacement. If you’re experiencing pain and it doesn’t ease with rest, medication, or physical therapy, you may want to talk to us about your situation.

Constant, unrelenting pain can affect your mood and even lead to depression. It can affect your relationships. You probably can’t rest comfortably, which means your sleep quality is poor, and you can’t enjoy an active, healthy lifestyle. Additionally, the pain could indicate severe damage to your joint. 

2. Other treatments haven’t worked

Most practitioners begin by recommending the most conservative treatment option, which means you’ve probably tried medications, perhaps injections, physical therapy, rest, ice, and likely other approaches to limiting your pain. If those things haven’t worked, it’s probably time to consider surgical intervention. 

Although many patients worry about side effects or healing problems, the vast majority of patients, around 93%, are quite happy with the procedure. Advancements in technology and surgical procedures have made hip replacement more commonplace and successful than in the past. 

3. You can’t do the things you want or need to do

If you find that you avoid activities you’d otherwise enjoy because of hip pain or struggle to do your job, a hip replacement could be the right solution. When your quality of life declines, you’re more likely to experience mental illnesses like depression and feel more isolated. 

If you have a physically demanding job, constant hip pain can affect your ability to earn a living. Finding relief can make an enormous difference! 

4. Your hip is sometimes weak or stiff

If your mobility is limited because your hip is weak or stiff, a hip replacement may help. Having weakness and stiffness can also increase your risk of falling. Such symptoms can make normal daily activities, like putting on your shoes, much more difficult. 

If you rely on a mobility aid, such as a cane or a walker, because of weakness or stiffness, it’s even more reason to consider hip replacement. 

5. Your doctor says it’s time

Our experts don’t only rely on your medical history and reported symptoms — although those are very important. When our providers make treatment recommendations, they also consider diagnostic tests like imaging and physical exams. 

If your X-rays show extensive joint damage, we may recommend that you get hip replacement surgery. We never suggest surgical intervention without carefully considering your overall health, goals, and test results. 

If you suspect it’s time to think about hip replacement surgery, schedule an appointment for a consultation today. The experts at Orthocenter are always happy to answer your questions. 

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